Potluck Fellowship
We’re having a good ole Baptist Potluck! Bring your favorite dish (entree, side, or dessert) on Sunday, March 30th right after service and spend some time fellowshipping with your family and get to know some of our newest members.
Drop off your dish in the kitchen side of the Fellowship Hall before Small Groups or Worship Service. We’ll provide water and tea. After church, we’ll have tables set up in the Fellowship Hall and the Student Center. This will be a great time with our church family!

Community Easter Egg Hunts
Community Easter egg hunts are a great way to connect with our neighbors, serve our community, and share the gospel. How can you get involved? We’re so glad you asked…
Prayer Walk - April 6th
Let’s cover them in prayer! Join us on a prayer walk through the neighborhoods near Cherokee Hills Park and Baker-Kiwanis Park.
Door to Door Invites - April 13th
Let’s get the word out! We’ll walk the neighborhoods near Cherokee Hills Park and Baker-Kiwanis Park and distribute flyers door to door.
Block Party - April 19th
Let’s connect with our community! We’ll have crafts, a photo booth and pictures with the Easter bunny, easter egg hunts (organized by age group), and ample opportunities to build relationships with our neighbors and invite them to church.
Where: Cherokee Hills Park OR Baker Kiwanis Park
When: 2:00 pm (setup/cleanup details TBA)

Family Mission Trip
This is a great trip for families of all ages to engage in missional living right within our own state.
We will be partnering with the Mobile Missions Network team in Tulsa to put on a party in the park and backyard bible club inside of a mobile home park where they do regular outreach events. We will receive training, support, and then have an opportunity to talk about what we saw God do after the event ends. We will worship with them on Sunday morning and then head home after.
This is a great opportunity for anyone who has never been on a mission trip before, or who has never gone on a mission trip as a family. There is something that everyone can do and the schedule will be flexible enough to accommodate any stage of life.
Cost: $70/person if you are staying with us at Mobile Missions Network headquarters (sleeping on air mattresses on the floor of a church) or $50/person if you want to arrange to stay at a hotel or somewhere close.
Our 2nd and final info meeting will be on February 16th after church in the Fellowship Hall. Anyone who is planning on coming with us needs to attend this meeting. Lunch will be provided.
If you have any questions, contact Caleb Glennie or Brandon Holloway.

2025 CHBC Women's Retreat
Join our CHBC Women as we retreat to Falls Creek Hotel & Conference center for two days/one night February 21-22, 2025. Our time away will be centered on the Word, prayer, care for one another, and sharing what God has done as we REMEMBER. We will see God's faithfulness on display through our forgotten pasts and remembering together "...til now the Lord has helped us."

Senior Adult Valentine's Day Banquet
When: February 14, 2025 at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall
Speakers: Ray Ivey & Amanda Ivey Wright
Music: Maggie Peery
Cost: $10 per person (due upon arrival)

OKCollective Weekend
OKCollective is a retreat weekend where our students (7th - 12th grade) will participate in multiple worship services, engage in a service project, and enjoy a ton of fun! — Like a condensed week of camp experience packed into a single weekend.
The schedule for this year’s DNOW is the same as last year except our students will be staying at their own homes and they will meet up at the church on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
WHEN: February 7-9
PRICE: $50
BAND: Common Worship
SPEAKER: Matt Henderson
LOCATION: Cherokee Hills Baptist Church

Men's Breakfast
Our first men’s event of the year will be a breakfast on Saturday, February 1st at 8am in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Chris will be speaking followed by an optional service opportunity in Warr Acres.
Mark your calendars and we hope to see you there!

Mexico Christmas Mission Trip
We’re sending a team to partner in Reynosa, Mexico for Christmas this year!
This team will head down to Reynosa and help sort/wrap presents for a few days around Christmas for all the kids staying at the children’s home in Reynosa.
Here are the details:
December 18th-22nd
Cost: $100/person
Open to anyone and everyone
(Minors must be accompanied by an adult/teenagers can talk to Pastor Caleb to arrange a sponsor)

Family Christmas Party
This Wednesday, we're gathering as a whole church for our awesome church-wide family Christmas party!
We'll have free dinner at 5pm, followed by a mini Christmas service at 6. We'll play some games, sing some carols, and have a quick devotion.
Then from 6:30-7:30, we're having hot chocolate, s'mores, and cookie decorating in the student center and around fire pits outside.
It'll be a great time to hang out with our church family and maybe get to know some people you haven’t had a chance to get to know yet.
See you Wednesday at 5!

2024 Missions Banquet
Help us raise money for our World Mission Fund where contributions where go directly towards our 2025 mission trips. Learn more about these trips and opportunities at our missions banquet, November 17th at 6pm. Limited space available so register online today.

Men's Breakfast
On Saturday, November 9th, CHBC men will be having our last breakfast of the year along with a Warr Acres service project afterwards.
Breakfast will start at 8am and our speaker will be Ray Sanders. After breakfast we will be meeting at a park in Warr Acres to do a painting project and should be done by noon. See you there!

Trunk or Treat
It’s Trunk or Treat season again! This is one of our favorite ways to serve our community. Come join us for a safe, fun, and free way to trick or treat on Halloween.
Trunk or Treat will be Thursday, October 31st from 6:00-8:00pm
Interesting in serving as a part of our Trunk or Treat? We need help in several areas, including trunks.

CHBC 60th Anniversary Celebration
Join us for our 60th anniversary celebration on Sunday, September 15th. Here’s everything you need to know:
No Small Groups Meeting
No Childcare, Student Center will be set up for Families with Screens to Watch the Service
Service at 10am with Lunch, Games and Fun to Follow
Here is the full schedule for the morning:
9:00-10:00am - Hall of History is open
10:00-11:30am - Special Celebration Service
11:45am-12:00pm - Family picture in the Worship Center
12:00pm - Lunch and outside fun
The Hall of History will also be open on Wednesday, September 11th at 6pm and Wednesday, September 18th at 6pm.

Men's Top Golf
Come hang out for a great night with the CHBC Men!
On Monday, Sept. 9th from 6-8pm the Men's ministry will be hosting a Top Golf Fellowship Event.
Cost: $10 - includes food, drinks, and gameplay.

Back to School Brunch
CHBC Family Ministry is hosting a teacher appreciation brunch on September 7th. Here is what we need from you!
If you or your one of your children/students has a teacher we need you to invite them to come! And if your teacher is coming, we need you to come and help us serve them brunch.
Here’s what you need to know:
September 7th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Cherokee Hills Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
A Pancake brunch will be served
Prizes will be given out to all teachers in attendance
A word of encouragement will be given by Beth Harkins

Women's Worship Night
August 29th
Gather with women from across the community as we join our hearts together in worship, prayer, and teaching from best-selling author and Biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland. This is an event to invite your friends!
Kristi is the bestselling author of Rediscovering Israel, as well as Jesus & Women and The Gospel on the Ground Bible studies. Kristi teaches the Bible in its historical, cultural, geographic, and linguistic contexts.
She encourages believers to be postured to receive what the living God is saying through communally experiencing Scripture. Kristi teaches about the goodness of God, often experienced through table fellowship, practicing hospitality, and collaborative wisdom.
Cost: $10/person includes Worship Night and teaching from Kristi followed by Wondervan popsicles
Dinner Option (Additional cost) : Women can gather at Cava or Q'Doba on NW Expressway & Rockwell (5:15ish) to enjoy dinner together before heading to the event.

You won't want to miss VBS 2024!
DATE: July 8 - July 12
TIME: 6:00-8:30 pm
WHO: Pre-K to 5th graders
Come explore Breaker Rock Beach! Your kids will get a taste of the great outdoors inside our church. In a world full of confusion your kids will learn that the Bible teaches us truth that provides protection that is rock solid!

Family Discipleship Workshop
Family Discipleship can seem impossible but with the right tools and some intentionality, leading your family to grow closer to Jesus is possible.
This 3 week workshop during our normal Small Group hour will give you the tools and encouragement you need to immediately begin or shore up your families discipleship plan.
This class is for anyone who has direct and regular influence in the lives of kids from 0 to 18 years old.

Family Discipleship Workshop
Family Discipleship can seem impossible but with the right tools and some intentionality, leading your family to grow closer to Jesus is possible.
This 3 week workshop during our normal Small Group hour will give you the tools and encouragement you need to immediately begin or shore up your families discipleship plan.
This class is for anyone who has direct and regular influence in the lives of kids from 0 to 18 years old.

Family Discipleship Workshop
Family Discipleship can seem impossible but with the right tools and some intentionality, leading your family to grow closer to Jesus is possible.
This 3 week workshop during our normal Small Group hour will give you the tools and encouragement you need to immediately begin or shore up your families discipleship plan.
This class is for anyone who has direct and regular influence in the lives of kids from 0 to 18 years old.

Our CHBC Preteens (current 4th-6th graders) are welcome at our CrossTimbers this year. Here are the details:
June 7th-10th
We will be in need of scholarships for these camps, so please contact Caleb if you are interested in helping.

Men's Worship Night
On Friday May 3rd, the men’s ministry will be hosting a one night worship event! A BBQ dinner will be provided.
Rick Cordova will be leading worship and Todd Fisher will be our guest speaker with a fellowship following at Provision Coffee.
The cost will be $10.

MDWK Preview Night
The Family Ministry Team is excited to announce the first MDWK Preview Night! Kids and preteens who will be in a new ministry next fall (6th graders, 4th graders, and preschoolers) will get to preview what next fall will be like during MDWK.
Kids will check into and check out of their normal classrooms. To help celebrate, family dinner from 5-6 will also be free!
Bring your friends as we help build excitement for what lies ahead.
Here’s a quick message from Pastor Caleb with everything you need to know »

Passover Seder
Come celebrate a ritual feast called "The Passover Seder" which marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. This will be an interactive experience with rich teaching and a personal observation of Passover that you will not want to miss. Sign up today because space is limited!
Registration for the Seder is now closed.

Men's Ministry Breakfast
Our first Men's Ministry event of the year will be breakfast followed by a CHBC workday.
Breakfast burritos, sides and drinks will be on the menu Saturday, February 17th at 8:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Pastor Chris will lead a devotion and you'll hear updates from our Men's and Prison Ministries. After breakfast until Noon, we'll spend some time working on small projects around the church as well as serving our widows and single moms. This is for men of all ages including children (8 and up).

Spring Break Mission Trips Interest Meeting
Our Spring Break Mission Trips are coming up, and we will have an interest meeting on Sunday, February 4th right after church. Lunch will be provided.
Mexico Mission Trip
Our annual Mexico Mission Trip will be March 16-21. This is a longstanding partnership we have held with Rio Bravo Ministries in Reynosa, Mexico and is a great way for families to start serving in international missions.
Family Mission Trip to Tulsa
We will be partnering with the Mobile Missions Network team to put on a party in the park and backyard bible club inside of a mobile home park where they do regular outreach events. We will receive training, support, and then have an opportunity to talk about what we saw God do after the event ends. We will worship with them on Sunday Morning and then head home after.
This is a great opportunity for anyone who has never been on a mission trip before, or who has never gone on a mission trip as a family. There is something that everyone can do and the schedule will be flexible enough to accommodate any stage of life. If you are looking for an excuse to not go on mission, you won’t find it here.

Students D-Now
If you have a student 7th - 12th grade, we would love to have them for our Vintage D-Now weekend. The cost is $50.

Senior Adult Game Night
Game Night!
By popular demand we are bringing back BINGO! Senior Adult Ministry will provide pizza, drinks, and dessert at 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall on Friday, January 19. Games will begin shortly after.
Prizes for winners! We will also give an overview of upcoming events for 2024.

Family Christmas Party
Free Family Christmas Party on Wednesday, November 29th
We will have a free family dinner starting at 5pm, followed by a short Family Christmas Part Kick-off in the Worship Center where we will be able to sing some Christmas carols and learn about Jesus.
Our fun and free family activities will begin at 6:35pm including:
Free photos with Santa in the Senior Adult Room (across the hall from the Worship Center)
Cookie Decorating in the Fellowship Hall
A Hot Cocoa Bar in the Student Center
S’mores and Firepits outside the Student Center doors
Christmas Crafts in the Fellowship Hall

Women's Retreat
CHBC Women's Fall Retreat is a weekend full of special moments together. Enjoy an escape from the routine and demands of life to connect with the Lord and fellowship with one another over two days. During our time, we will uncover what it means to be a woman who is joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. Invite a friend and make plans to be with us on Friday night, November 10th and Saturday, November 11th.

Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat will be October 31st from 6-8pm right here at CHBC, and we need your help!
For starters, we need candy! Lots and lots of candy. We’re looking to fill one hundred 5-gallon buckets with candy (you’d be surprised how fast that goes).
You can give candy one of two ways: find one of our candy monsters around the church and deposit a few bags of candy on a Sunday or Wednesday, or by hitting the button below:
We also need a small army of volunteers to help out for the evening, that includes trunks, candy distribution, setting up the parking lot beforehand, and more.