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Meet Rachel
Rachel grew up in Oklahoma City and has been a member of Cherokee Hills Baptist Church her whole life. She made the decision to follow Jesus Christ when she was 9, a decision that started a journey of faith through friendships, school, mission trips and eventually to full time ministry as a missionary in Reynosa, Mexico.
She moved to the Rio Bravo Children's home in September of 2019 to teach English in the high school. There she lives in an apartment on the compound, teaches, and does life daily with the people of that community. She is also a member of a local church where she participates in discipleship and hosts a weekly young adult Bible study in her apartment. Upon arriving, she started working with another teacher in the English department. Then, she spent a year as the Physical Education teacher in all levels (online). After another year of PE in elementary/middle school and English in the high school (in person), she taught and continuous to teach the two subjects, but solely at the high school level. The high school has now moved to a new building off campus in the area known as the Blue School which has brought new challenges and adventures.
In her 5 years there, Rachel has experienced the evidence of God's grace and providence as well as some trails that the community has gone through together. The city of Reynosa has some rough patches but God uses it all as a part of his grand plan. He is working through Rio Bravo Ministries and different growing projects like Promises, a school for kids who haven't gone to school or were passed through without learning to read or write. They also started a girls soccer team this past year that plays nearby and shares the gospel with the other teams. Though now many miles away, Rachel loves her CHBC family and appreciates all the prayer and support that allows her to serve where the Lord has sent her. She loves hearing from friends/family in the States, so if you want to hear more or send encouragement, feel free to do so through one of the methods below!
You can connect with Rachel through email, on Facebook as Rachel Lee, and on Instagram @rachel_lee14 and @rl_rbm